Martin Buber's "I and Thou" : Practicing Living Dialogue (9780809141586)

Martin Buber's classic philosophy of dialogue, I and Thou, is at the core of Kenneth Paul Kramer's scholarly and impressive Living Dialogue: Practicing Buber's I and Thou. In three main parts, paralleling the three of I and Thou, and focusing upon Buber's key concepts --"nature," "spirit becoming forms, " "true community," the "real I," the "eternal Thou," "turning,"-and the two fundamental dialogues-the "I-Thou" and the "I-It"- the book clarifies, puts into practice and vigorously affirms the moral validity of Buber's philosophy, with its extension to love, marriage, the family, the community, and God, in the conviction that "genuine dialogue" will effect better relations with one another, the world and God. Well-researched, and replete with a glossary of Buberian terms, practice exercises for true dialoguing, and discussion questions, Living Dialogue emerges as an invaluable guide to I and Thou. Highlights: - A lens through which to see and understand the philosopher and his work anew. - A must-read for undergraduates, as well as relationship counselors, therapists, and general readers, who will benefit from the work's clarity and ease of expression.

Product details

  • Paperback | 224 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 19mm | 172g
  • Mahwah, United States
  • English
  • 0809141582
  • 9780809141586
  • 332,636

Download Martin Buber's "I and Thou" : Practicing Living Dialogue (9780809141586).pdf, available at for free.



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