
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2020

Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals (9781119148494)

Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals, 9th Edition balances the perspectives of a nutritionist and a chef, offering the most up-to-date coverage of national dietary guidelines and engaging the learner in practical, hands-on application of each concept in the course. Nutrition 9th Edition is for nutrition (or "healthy cooking") courses in a culinary arts curriculum and intends to be a practical, how-to program with up-to-date information on national nutrition guidelines and standards for food preparation and labeling. Product details Format Hardback | 480 pages Dimensions 220 ...

The Pmi-Acp Exam : How to Pass on Your First Try, Iteration 3 (099090749X)

This is the first book written specifically for the new PMI-ACP exam. It is a single, compact reference that will help the reader prepare for and pass the certification exam. Contents include: Understanding Agile, The PMI-ACP Exam, The Agile Manifesto, Project Justification, Teams & Team Space, Agile Planning, Working with Agile, Coaching with Agile, Agile Methodologies, How to Pass the PMI-ACP Exam, Glossary of Terms, 2 Simulated Exams with Answers. Product details Format Paperback | 327 pages Dimensions 170 x 221 x 23mm ...

LOCKED Wykluczony (9788366429147)

Romantyczny wypad do Las Vegas kończy się dla Ace'a i Dylana nieprzyjemnym spotkaniem z paparazzo. Od teraz cały świat już wie, że największy gwiazdor kina akcji jest zajęty, a w dodatku związał się z przystojnym modelem. Co prawda minął już rok od chwili, gdy Ace ujawnił swoją orientację seksualną, ale jak dotąd ani razu nie pojawił się publicznie w towarzystwie jakiegokolwiek mężczyzny. Dlatego zdjęcia zrobione w hotelu Syn błyskawicznie obiegają media społecznościowe, a portale plotkarskie i brukowce codziennie zasypują czytelników nowymi szczegółami. Paparazzi podążają też za Dylanem krok w krok, próbując dowiedzieć się jak najwięcej o jego przeszłości. Tymczasem zdjęcia do Insurekcji 2 powoli dobiegają końca, zaś atmosfera na planie z każdym dniem psuje się coraz bardziej. Agent Ace'a nieustannie dzwoni ze złymi wieściami, natomiast z Dylanem usiłuje skontaktować się ktoś, z kim mężczyzna od dawna nie chce mieć nic wspólnego. Product ...

The Spas of England, and Principal Sea-Bathing Places : Midland Spas (9781298654960)

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservatio...

Stickerbomb 3 (1780677596)

With over 240 fully peelable stickers, Stickerbomb 3 presents the most exciting work from a fresh lineup of global artists, illustrators and graffiti writers. The book will appeal to existing fans of the Stickerbomb series, as well as new sticker enthusiasts discovering it for the first time. Product details Format Paperback | 108 pages Dimensions 165 x 210 x 12.7mm | 360g ...

The Stripping of the Altars : Traditional Religion in England, 1400?1580 (0300108281)

This prize-winning account of the pre-Reformation church recreates lay people's experience of religion in fifteenth-century England. Eamon Duffy shows that late medieval Catholicism was neither decadent nor decayed, but was a strong and vigorous tradition, and that the Reformation represented a violent rupture from a popular and theologically respectable religious system. For this edition, Duffy has written a new Preface reflecting on recent developments in our understanding of the period. From reviews of the first edition: "A magnificent scholarly achievement [and] a compelling read."-Patricia Morrison, Financial Times "Deeply imaginative, movingly written, and splendidly illustrated. . . . Duffy's analysis . . . carries conviction."-Maurice Keen, New York Review of Books "This book will afford enjoyment and enlightenment to layman and specialist alike."-Peter Heath, Times Literary Supplement "[An] astonishing and magnificent piece of w...

Fachkunde Fahrradtechnik (3808522984)

Die 6. Auflage der Fachkunde Fahrradtechnik vermittelt die notwendigen Fachkenntnisse, die im Ausbildungsrahmenplan für die betriebliche Ausbildung und im Rahmenlehrplan für die Ausbildung in der Grund- und Fachstufe der Berufsschule aufgeführt sind. Es ist das Standardwerk der allgemeinen Fahrradtechnik und ist auch als Nachschlagewerk in Zweiradbetrieben unentbehrlich. Die Inhalte entsprechen den geltenden technischen Regeln, den gesetzlichen Verordnungen sowie fachbezogenen Vorschriften, insbesondere den DIN-Normen. Fragen des Umweltschutzes und der Arbeitssicherheit sind angemessen berücksichtigt. Im Jahr 2015 ist die DIN EN ISO 4210 Sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen für Fahrräder in Kraft getreten. An vielen Stellen im Fachbuch sind daraus wichtige Beschlüsse und Prüfverfahren aufgenommen. Sie machen den Zweiradmechatronikern deutlich, welche Bedeutung Sicherheitsanforderungen im Gebrauch von Fahrrädern haben Alle Komponenten des Fahrrades werden ausführlich beschrieben. Neue Fa...

Cowgirls 2017 Wall Calendar (1682340759)

Cowgirls are women with guts, a horse and bluejeaned femininity. Twelve full color photographs capture their special spirit in this large format wall calendar. The large format features six bonus months of July through December 2016; moon phases, U.S. and international holidays and large daily grids for jotting appointments, birthdays and reminders. Product details Format Calendar Dimensions 297 x 300 x 10mm | 272g Publica...

Oriental Painting Course : A Structured, Practical Guide to Painting Skills and Techniques Of... (9780823033898)

Introduces the tools and materials of Chinese painting, and demonstrates techniques used in painting flowers, birds, and landscapes Product details Format Hardback | 224 pages Dimensions 227 x 228 x 22mm | 1,021g Publication date 01 Jun 1997 Publ...

Reiseführer Südtirol : Natur und Kultur zwischen Vinschgau und Dolomiten (3897942836)

- - - Alle Regionen Südtirols auf 348 Seiten - Fundierte Hintergrundinformationen - Ausführliche reisepraktische Hinweise - Viele Tourenvorschläge für Sport- und Freizeitwanderer - Mehr als 180 Farbfotos, 13 historische Abbildungen - 21 genaue Stadtpläne und Übersichtskarten - - - In Südtirol liegen schroff-alpine Bergwelten und lieblich-mediterrane Täler auf erstaunlich engem Raum nebeneinander. Die mächtigen Gletscherwelten in den Ötztaler Alpen und die bizarren Felsformationen der Dolomiten bieten einzigartige Naturerlebnisse und zugleich hervorragende Bedingungen für Wanderer und Wintersportler. Nur wenige Kilometer davon entfernt, in den von Zypressen, Palmen und Weinhängen geschmückten Tälern des Südtiroler Südens, fühlt man sich fast schon ans Mittelmeer versetzt. Südtirol weist eine erstaunliche Dichte an romantischen Burgen und Ansitzen sowie im westlichen Teil eine europaweit einzigartig Fülle an romanischen Kirchen auf. Bozen beeindruckt mit seiner Urbanität, Meran mit seine...

HMS Ulysses (0006135129)

The novel that launched the astonishing career of one of the 20th century's greatest writers of action and suspense - an acclaimed classic of heroism and the sea in World War II. Now reissued in a new cover style. The story of men who rose to heroism, and then to something greater, HMS Ulysses takes its place alongside The Caine Mutiny and The Cruel Sea as one of the classic novels of the navy at war. It is the compelling story of Convoy FR77 to Murmansk - a voyage that pushes men to the limits of human endurance, crippled by enemy attack and the bitter cold of the Arctic. Product details Format Paperback | 480 pages Dimensions ...

American Pravda : My Fight for Truth in the Era of Fake News (1250154642)

The one real difference between the American press and the Soviet state newspaper Pravda was that the Russian people knew they were being lied to. To expose the lies our media tell us today, controversial journalist James O'Keefe created Project Veritas, an independent news organization whose reporters go where traditional journalists dare not. Their investigative work-equal parts James Bond, Mike Wallace, and Saul Alinsky--has had a consistent and powerful impact on its targets. In American Pravda, the reader is invited to go undercover with these intrepid journalists as they infiltrate political campaigns, unmask dishonest officials and expose voter fraud. A rollicking adventure story on one level, the book also serves as a treatise on modern media, arguing that establishment journalists have a vested interest in keeping the powerful comfortable and the people misinformed. The book not only contests the false narratives frequently put forth by corporate media, it documents the co...

Stasi konkret : Überwachung und Repression in der DDR (3406638384)

Eine lückenlose Überwachung von Post und Telefon, ein Spitzel in jeder Kneipe, die Verstrahlung von Oppositionellen - es gibt nur wenig, was man der Stasi nicht zutraut. Doch was konnten Mielkes Männer wirklich? Dass sie alles wussten, mithörten und kontrollierten, vermuteten viele Menschen in der DDR. Die Stasi selbst schürte diesen Mythos, um den Anpassungsdruck zu erhöhen. Nach 1989/90 ist das MfS zudem regelrecht dämonisiert worden. Ließ sich die Verantwortung für die SED-Diktatur auf diese Weise doch bequem auf einer einzigen ihrer Säulen abladen. Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk erzählt in diesem Buch die Geschichte der Stasi, zeigt, wer ihre Gründer waren und hinterfragt manche der scheinbaren Gewissheiten, die sich mit ihrem Bild verbinden. So liefert er etwa gute Argumente dafür, dass die Zahl der IM nur halb so hoch gelegen haben dürfte, wie gemeinhin angenommen, und dass die Intensität der Postkontrolle und der Einfluss im Westen überschätzt werden. Viel zu lange hat sich die Forschung...

More Than Race (9781516551286)

This is a Print on Demand title. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Product details Format Hardback | 366 pages Dimensions 216 x 279 x 21mm | 1,129g Publication date 12 Jul 2013 ...

Healing Lyme : Natural Healing of Lyme Borreliosis and the Coinfections Chlamydia and Spotted Fever Rickettsiosis, 2nd Edition (9780970869647)

Lyme disease infects a minimum of 300,000 people per year in the United States and millions more throughout the rest of the world. Symptoms run from mild lethargy to severe arthritis to heart disease to incapacitating mental dysfunction. Although tests have improved over the past decade, they are still not completely reliable, and antibiotics are only partially effective. Up to thirty-five percent of those infected will not respond to antibiotic treatment or will relapse. The spirochetes that cause Lyme are stealth pathogens--they can hide within cells or alter their form so that our immune systems cannot find them, as well as inhibit the effectiveness of antibiotics. Lyme disease is, in fact, a potent emerging epidemic disease for which technological medicine is only partially effective. The coinfections that accompany Lyme are often as, or more, incapacitating than Lyme itself. Worldwide, hundreds of millions experience infection with babesia, bartonella, ehrlichia, anaplasma, mycopl...

Geschichte der Erde (3896788256)

Heute geht man davon aus, dass unsere Erde etwa 4,6 Milliarden Jahre alt ist. Die Erforschung von Gesteinsformationen in der ganzen Welt hat allmählich den Blick auf die lange Geschichte unseres Planeten freigegeben. Anhand von Gesteinen und Fossilien, die sozusagen in der Rinde unseres Planeten verborgen liegen, können wir nicht nur den Lebensformen in den verschiedenen Erdzeitaltern auf die Spur kommen. Die Gesteine lassen auch Rückschlüsse darauf zu, wie die Landschaften der Erde in früheren Erdzeitaltern ausgesehen haben. Wie sie sich, so wie wir sie heute kennen, entwickelt haben und unter welchen klimatischen Bedingungen. Dieses Buch erklärt anschaulich, wie Gesteine und Fossilien die höchst spannende Geschichte unserer Erde offenbaren können eine Geschichte mit explosionsartig zunehmender Formenvielfalt auf der einen und globalen Katastrophen auf der anderen Seite. Product details ...

How to Find Love (0995573697)

Choosing a partner is one of the most consequential and tricky decisions we will ever make. The cost of repeated failure is immense. And yet we are often so alone with the search. Partners used to be found for us by parents and society. Now we are expected to follow our feelings - and so locate people by ourselves, according to intuition. This should be an improvement, but our emotions often pull us towards hugely problematic characters and dynamics. How to Find Love explains why we have the 'types' we do - and how our early experiences give us scripts of how and whom we can love. The book provides a crucial set of ideas to help us make safer, more imaginative and more effective choices in love. Product details Format Hardback | 80 pages ...

Perpetua's Journey : Faith, Gender, and Power in the Roman Empire (0190238712)

Examining issues of power, gender, and religion in the ancient world, Perpetua's Journey: Faith, Gender, and Power in the Roman Empire is a graphic history set in Roman Africa in 203 CE that tells the story of the Christian martyr Perpetua. The Passio Sanctarum Perpetuae et Felicitatis, also known as The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity, is the first extant diary authored by a Christian woman. Vibia Perpetua was a young mother who lived in Roman Africa and, at the age of twenty-two, chose to publicly proclaim her Christian faith. She died as a result of her actions, though she did not die alone; she was part of a group of Christian martyrs, including several slaves, who were placed in prison and then executed in Carthage during the birthday celebrations of Emperor Septimius Severus's son in 203 CE. Perpetua's diary contains her account of the days leading up to her martyrdom. Perpetua's Journey occupies a space between the many works designed primarily for spe...

La sfida. Un viaggio della fede da Giussani a Ratzinger (8867089137)

È un momento drammatico per il cattolicesimo e per tutto l'Occidente. Il pontificato di Francesco scuote la Chiesa dalle fondamenta, mentre la sua parola viene spesso utilizzata dai nemici storici del cristianesimo per cancellarne ogni traccia dalla vita sociale e politica del pianeta. A ciò si aggiunge la violenza con cui l'islam tenta di accreditarsi come l'unica religione organizzata. La risposta, per i cattolici, non può arrivare che dal riconoscersi come comunità viva attorno a Cristo. Luigi Negri, teologo e vescovo, ripercorre in questo dialogo il cammino della sua esperienza di fede raccontando gli ultimi sessant'anni della società italiana e della Chiesa: in particolare la sua amicizia con don Giussani, l'associazionismo cattolico, il profondo contrasto con i modernisti dell'Università Cattolica, i pontificati di Montini e di Wojtyla, il '68 e il terrorismo. Senza timori reverenziali, con un linguaggio franco e diretto, Negri affronta i grandi ...

Learn French the Fast and Fun Way with Online Audio: The Activity Kit That Makes Learning a Language Quick and Easy! (1438074948)

This unique book makes learning French easy, practical, and fun! Suitable for teaching adults, as well as older children, Barron's Learn French the Fast and Fun Way covers the basics of reading, writing, understanding, and speaking French. The engaging, interactive lessons and exercises can be done in just a few minutes per day and are supplemented with: Funny cartoon-style illustrations Language games, puzzles, and quick quizzes A set of vocabulary flashcards A pull-out bilingual dictionary booklet An MP3 CD with audio for all Listening Comprehension activities In just minutes a day, readers will pick up enough French for most everyday situations--from meeting and greeting people to asking directions and handling simple business transactions. Product details Format Paperback ...

Working the Roots : Over 400 Years of Traditional African American Healing (0692857877)

African American traditional medicine is an American classic that emerged out of the necessity of its people to survive. It began with the healing knowledge brought with the African captives on the slave ships and later merged with Native American, European and other healing traditions to become a full-fledged body of medicinal practices that has lasted in various forms down to the present day. Working the Roots: Over 400 Years Of Traditional African American Healing is the result of first-hand interviews, conversations, and apprenticeships conducted and experienced by author Michele E. Lee over several years of living and studying in the rural South and in the West Coast regions of the United States. She combines a novelist's keen ear for storytelling and dialogue and a healer's understanding of folk medicine arts into a book that makes for both pleasant, interesting reading, and serves as a permanent household healing guide. Divided between sections on interviews of healers ...