
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2022

Physics Galaxy 2020-21 : Advanced Illustration in Physics (9788193975633)

Advanced Illustrations in Physics by seasoned expert Ashish Arora is a valuable asset for the Advanced Illustrations in Physics by seasoned expert Ashish Arora is a valuable asset for the aspirants of JEE Advanced examination. The book covers more than 700 advanced problems with illustrations. Detailed explanations have been included with video solutions so that students are able to grasp the fundamental examination edge of JEE Advanced. Every illustration is based on specific experimental analysis and practical situations from real life, so that students can understand how questions are framed in competitive exams. All illustrations are divided in several topics covering the syllabus of Advanced Physics for JEE. Features 700+ advanced problems illustrated with explanations Practical problems included from real life Video solutions included to help students grasp concepts better Product details ...

MERIAN live! Wo Österreich am schönsten ist : 1000 Ausflugsziele fürs ganze Jahr (9783834221926)

Der Bestseller in der 3. Auflage - komplett aktualisiert! Stephansdom, Opernball, Wolfgangsee oder Kitzbühel: Es gibt gute Gründe, nach Österreich zu reisen. Dieser MERIAN-Band nennt in Wort und Bild noch ein paar mehr. 1000 Tipps und Ziele, die Österreich zu einem der Lieblings-Reiseziele der Deutschen machen. Sehenswürdigkeiten, Kaffeehäuser, Beisl und Restaurants, Alpendörfer und Donaustädte - das Buch führt in die schönsten Regionen der Alpenrepublik, nach Kärnten und die Steiermark, ins Burgenland und ins Donautal, das Salzkammergut und den Wienerwald. Die Tipps wenden sich an Familien mit Kindern und Urlauber, die aktiv ihre Zeit gestalten, an Feinschmecker, die das Typische lieben und Kulturinteressierte, die neben Festspielen und Barockklöstern auch Videoinstallationen und Open-Air-Konzerte schätzen. 1000 Tipps auf 480 Seiten für Austria-Fans. NEU: Die kulinarische Landkarte zum Herausnehmen zeigt die Spezialitäten der österreichischen Regionen auf: Was wurde wo erfunden? Welch...

What We Can't Not Know : A Guide (9781586174811)

In this new revised edition of his groundbreaking work, Professor J. Budziszewski questions the modern assumption that moral truths are unknowable. With clear and logical arguments he rehabilitates the natural law tradition and restores confidence in a moral code based upon human nature. What We Can't Not Know explains the rational foundation of what we all really know to be right and wrong and shows how that foundation has been kicked out from under western society. Having gone through stages of atheism and nihilism in his own search for truth, Budziszewski understands the philosophical and personal roots of moral relativism. With wisdom born of both experience and rigorous intellectual inquiry, he offers a firm foothold to those who are attempting either to understand or to defend the reasonableness of traditional morality. While natural law bridges the chasms that can be caused by religious and philosophical differences, Budziszewski believes that natural law theory has entered ...

The Easy and Relaxing Memory Activity Book For Adults : Includes Relaxing Memory Activities, Easy Puzzles, Brain Games and More (9781988923185)

Are you looking for a fun and relaxing way to exercise your memory? This adult activity book provides hours of easy memory activities for adults. There is an excellent variety activities in this book including: Short-term memory games: Enjoy many fun and easy short-term memory activities for adults including Delightful Details, Particular Pictures, Silly Sentences, Backwards and Terrific Lists.Long-term memory games: Give your long-term recall a gentle workout with a variety activities including Lovely Memories, Cool Categories, Starts With, and Complete It. Classic Easy Puzzles & Brain Games: Have fun and exercise your brain with several classic puzzles for adults such as Word Search, Spot the Odd the One Out, Find the Differences, Well Made Words and Two of a Kind. All together, there is a wonderful variety of memory actives and puzzles in this book! Would you like a more detailed overview? Then read on... This memory book is written by J.D. Kinnest, the author of the popular mem...