
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2021

Dry : Delicious Handcrafted Cocktails and Other Clever Concoctions--Seasonal, Refreshing, Alcohol-Free (9781615195022)

Divine cocktails and delicious mixed drinks--hangover not included! Festive, sophisticated cocktails for everyone? Yes, please! With alcohol-free options so refreshing to drink, simple to make, and for any season or occasion, going dry has never been easier: Celebrate Dry January in style with an Espresso Mint MartiniSpoil yourself at breakfast with a Blood Orange SunriseToast the mother-to-be with a bubbly Paloma FizzKeep your summer picnic kid-friendly with a refreshing Raspberry and Lavender ShrubThank the oft-forgotten designated driver with an eye-opening Chile and Lime Margarita Plus, for the new mocktail mixologist, Dry comes complete with a guide to essential equipment, easy-to-find ingredients, simple syrup recipes, and more. Cheers! Product details Format Hardback | ...

Und ewig schlaft das Pubertier (3492057721)

+++Das Neueste vom Pubertier - jetzt im Kino+++ Wenn es erst einmal wach ist, hält es die Welt in Atem: Das Pubertier. Und inzwischen hat sich Nick zu einem Parade-Exemplar entwickelt. Als männliches Pubertier besticht auch er durch faszinierende Einlassungen zu den Themen Mädchen, Umwelt und Politik sowie durch seine anhaltende Begeisterungsfähigkeit fĂ¼r ganz schlechtes Essen und seltsame Musik. Er wächst wie Chinagras und trägt T-Shirts und Frisuren, die uns dringend etwas sagen wollen. Ansonsten allerdings ist die Kommunikation mit dem Pubertier auf ein MindestmaĂŸ reduziert, es spricht wenig, dafĂ¼r mĂ¼ffelt und chillt es ausgiebig. Und die Liebe spielt in diesem dritten Teil der Pubertier-Saga eine immer grĂ¶ĂŸer werdende Rolle sowie auch die Wahl der richtigen Schuhmode. Im Pubertierlabor werden Ă¼ber einen möglichen Zusammenhang beider Phänomene MutmaĂŸungen angestellt. GemutmaĂŸt werden darf auĂŸerdem Ă¼ber die Frage, wann diese verfluchte Pubertät eigentlich aufhört. Der Erzähler schaut...

Erfolgreich unterrichten durch Visualisieren (3879643210)

Die Autoren Ludger BrĂ¼ning und Tobias Saum stellen in dieser Publikation verschiedene Visualisierungsformen und Mapping-Techniken als Bausteine eines aktivierenden und erfolgreichen Unterrichts vor. Product details Format Paperback | 220 pages Dimensions 207 x 299 x 17mm | 841g Publication date 08 Mar 2017 ...

The Bride's Essential Wedding Planner : Deluxe Edition (1454908459)

Filled with everything a modern bride needs to organize her perfect big day, The Bride's Essential Wedding Planner is like having your own personal wedding consultant. It contains a wealth of completely up-to-date information about the entire planning process: checklists for every step, interview questions for potential service providers, worksheets to record vendor services and costs, DIY and money-saving hints, at-a-glance advice, a 16-month fill-in calendar, sleeves to hold business cards, guest list and seating chart organisers, pockets on all tab dividers and more! Product details Format Hardback | 344 pages Dimensions ...

Zen Golf : Mastering the Mental Game (9780385504461)

By combining classic insights and stories from Zen tradition, Zen Golf helps eliminate the mental distractions that routinely cause poor shots and loss of concentration, allowing golfers to feel in "the zone" that professionals have learned to master. "The lessons in Zen Golf make the mental game seem so simple. Dr. Parent has given me very effective methods for working with thoughts and emotions, and for taking the negatives out of the picture." --Vijay Singh, Masters and PGA Champion The best players know that golf is a game of confidence, and most important, concentration-the ability to focus and block out distraction. The goal of achieving clear thought is also at the heart of Buddhist teachings. In his highly original and groundbreaking book, noted PGA coach and Buddhist instructor, Dr. Joseph Parent, draws on this natural connection and teaches golfers how to clear their minds, achieve ultimate focus, and play in the moment for each shot. Zen Golf presents a s...

Yearbook (9780751575781)

THE NEW YORK TIMES AND SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER Hi! I'm Seth! I was asked to describe my book, Yearbook, for the inside cover flap (which is a gross phrase) and for websites like this one, so... here it goes!!! Yearbook is a collection of true stories that I desperately hope are just funny at worst, and life-changingly amazing at best. (I understand that it's likely the former, which is a fancy "book" way of saying "the first one.") I talk about my grandparents, doing stand-up comedy as a teenager, bar mitzvahs and Jewish summer camp, and tell way more stories about doing drugs than my mother would like. I also talk about some of my adventures in Los Angeles, and surely say things about other famous people that will create a wildly awkward conversation for me at a party one day. I hope you enjoy the book should you buy it, and if you don't enjoy it, I'm sorry. If you ever see me on the street and explain the situation, I'll do my best to make ...

Python Distilled (9780134173276)

Expert Insight for Modern Python (3.6+) Development from the Author of Python Essential Reference The richness of modern Python challenges developers at all levels. How can programmers who are new to Python know where to begin without being overwhelmed? How can experienced Python developers know they're coding in a manner that is clear and effective? How does one make the jump from learning about individual features to thinking in Python at a deeper level? Dave Beazley's new Python Distilled addresses these and many other real-world issues. Focusing on Python 3.6 and higher, this concise handbook focuses on the essential core of the language, with updated code examples to illuminate how Python works and how to structure programs that can be more easily explained, tested, and debugged. Throughout, Beazley reflects all he's learned teaching Python to scientists, engineers, and developers, and pushing the envelope of what makes Python tick. Rather than trying to cover every ...