
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2021

Chastely Bitten (1732535647)

Once upon a time, humankind ruled the world while lycans and vampires lived in secret.This is no longer that time.JulietIt is my duty to obey, to give my body and blood to a vampire master until he no longer has use for me.There is no escape.Nowhere to run.Follow the rules or die.I don't want to die.DariusTwenty-two years of conditioning has crafted the perfect poison-a weapon my enemies won't see coming. I'll break her, train her, and use her to take down everyone who stands in my way.She's alluring.She's perfect.And she's mine.Welcome to the future where the superior bloodlines make the rules.Proceed at your own risk.****"Darius," I breathed as darkness dimmed the stars. Some part of me knew we were heading down a dangerous path. I struggled to emerge enough to warn him, to beg him..."D..." My mouth felt dryer than it should. Heavy. I tried to lick my lips but couldn't move my tongue.Everything felt so much cooler than moments ago...

Skolledarskap och skolans frirum (9789144126234)

Korstryck är ett av bokens huvudbegrepp. Det står för olika krav som skilda intressenter ställer på skolors arbete och som i sin tur formar skolledares arbetsvillkor. Skolledarskapets främsta utmaning ligger i att agera proaktivt i förhållande till dessa förutsättningar. Detta innebär att agera i skarven mellan skollag, läroplaner och kommunala budgetdirektiv. Dessutom ska skolledare svara för att rekrytera elever på marknadens villkor och söka borgfred mellan olikartade förväntningar från vårdnadshavare och starkt styrande interna skolkulturer. För den enskilda rektorn blir då en primär uppgift att inom dessa ramar söka och använda det outnyttjade frirummet för att utveckla den lokala verksamheten för elevers bästa. Skolledares professionella mästerskap blir mot denna bakgrund en fråga om att kunna omvandla omvärldens spänningsfyllda krav och förväntningar till verksamhetsförbättrande aktiviteter. Denna andra upplaga är grundligt omarbetad men syftet är fort­farande att tydliggöra oc...

Transforming Supply Chains : Realign your business to better serve customers in a disruptive world (9781292286846)

Reinvent your supply chain from the outside in - leverage customer insight, heuristics and digital tools to meet rising expectations and adapt in a volatile world. Customers have become increasingly demanding, and the operating environment has become more turbulent and complex. Mature companies wishing to survive and thrive in the coming decades must transform themselves to become flexible and market responsive. They need to reconsider their traditional supply chains and find ways to increase the clockspeed of their operation and their decision making without creating more complexity for their staff and partners. But where to start this transformation journey? Most of the world's largest corporations have logistics networks and supply chains that have evolved over time, many based around systems that drive a 'one-size-fits-all' philosophy, which does not fit anymore. And most have not kept up with the changing cadence of their markets. This book describes the path to a di...

Star Wars: Kanan Omnibus (1302902229)

Discover how Jedi Padawan Caleb Dune became Kanan Jarrus, the cocky, sarcastic renegade hero of Star Wars: Rebels! As Caleb trained under Master Depa Billaba, neither one of them ever suspected that their "loyal" Clone Troopers would turn on them upon the issuing of Order 66 - the Emperor's directive to execute all Jedi. How did Caleb Dune escape the Jedi purge? Then, journey even further back and experience Caleb's very first adventure as a Padawan, protecting the Jedi Temple alongside his new Master. As they head towards the furious Battle of Mygeeto, they'll face one of the deadliest threats in the entire galaxy - General Grievous! Bridge the gap between the Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels! COLLECTING: KANAN - THE LAST PADAWAN 1-5, KANAN 6-12 Product details Format Hardback ...

Oscar Peterson - Omnibook : Piano Transcriptions (149500774X)

(Jazz Transcriptions). This is the ultimate resource for studying the work of Oscar Peterson! Nearly 40 full piano transcriptions for the jazz piano master, including: All of Me * Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea * Falling in Love with Love * Georgia on My Mind * I Got It Bad and That Ain't Good * If I Were a Bell * In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning * Love Is Here to Stay * On Green Dolphin Street * Sometimes I'm Happy * The Song Is You * Tangerine * That Old Black Magic * Whisper Not * You Stepped Out of a Dream * Yours Is My Heart Alone * and many more. Includes a brief biography and foreword by transcriber Larry Dunlap. Product details Format Book | 400 pages ...

Hospital Administration and Management : A Comprehensive Guide (9788184486025)

An attempt has been made to present the basic thought on Hospital Administration and Management in this short treatise. Hospital administration is very important to run a hospital efficiently. This book has been elaborated with reference to current techniques and practice of hospital administration and management so as to make the text more easily comprehensible to all Hospital Managers, Administrators and students concerned. Product details Format Paperback | 244 pages Dimensions 140 x 210 x 12.7mm ...

How to Eat : All your food and diet questions answered (9781922310170)

Bestselling authors Mark Bittman and Dr David Katz cut through all the noise on food, health, and diet to give you the real answers you need. What is the 'best' diet? Do calories matter? And when it comes to protein, fat, and carbs, which ones are good and which are bad? Mark Bittman and Dr David Katz answer all these questions and more in a lively and easy-to-read Q&A format. Inspired by their viral hit article on Grub Street for New York magazine, Bittman and Katz share their clear, no-nonsense perspective on food and diet, answering questions on everything from superfoods and basic nutrients to fad diets. Topics include dietary patterns (Just what should humans eat?); grains (Aren't these just 'carbs'? Do I need to avoid gluten?); meat and dairy (Does grass-fed matter?); alcohol (Is drinking wine actually good for me?); and more. Throughout, Bittman and Katz filter the science of diet and nutrition through a lens of common sense, delivering straightforwar...

Diablo 05. Der Sündenkrieg 01 - Geburtsrecht (3833215534)

Diablo: Sündenkrieg Band 1: Geburtsrecht Besessen davon, die Menschen für ihre eigenen Zwecke unter Kontrolle zu bekommen, fechten die Mächte von Gut und Böse einen geheimen Krieg um die Seelen der Sterblichen aus. Dies ist die Geschichte des Sündenkrieges - des infernalen Konfl iktes, der die Geschicke der Menschheit für immer verändern sollte. 3000 Jahre bevor das Grauen nach Tristram kam, war Uldyssian, Sohn des Diomedes, ein einfacher Bauer aus dem kleinen Dörfchens Seram. Doch sein ruhiges und idyllisches Leben endet abrupt als er unter Mordverdacht gerät. Es soll zwei Missionare bestialisch ermordet haben. Uldyssian setzt alles daran, seinen Namen rein zu waschen, doch dann nimmt er eigenartige Veränderungen an sich wahr. Er besitzt plötzlich beängstigende Fähigkeiten, über die kein Sterblicher jemals verfügen sollte. Geburtsrecht ist ein spannender Roman aus der Welt der Magie, der finsteren Mächte und der epischen Schlachten zwischen Gut und Böse! Basierend auf dem preisgekrönt...

The Doughnut Cookbook : Easy Recipes for Baked and Fried Doughnuts (1681881349)

The Doughnut Cookbook, the next book in the Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen series, is a compact yet comprehensive guide to making doughnuts. Ranging from classic Old-Fashioned style doughnuts, to lemony-glazed baked doughnuts topped with pistachios, and sugar-dusted beignets, this book includes something for all doughnut-lovers. Yeasted, fried, baked, glazed, and sprinkled, doughnuts are enjoyed in all different shapes and sizes. Learn how easy making doughnuts at home is in this all-inclusive guide from the Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen. Inside these pages, you'll find recipes for basic doughs and glazes, mouthwatering recipes for classic and innovative doughnuts, tips and tricks for frying and baking doughnuts, and much more. Recipes include: Funfetti Doughnuts, Apple Fritters, Maple-Bacon Doughnuts, S'mores Doughnuts, Vanilla and Chocolate Old-Fashioned Doughnuts, Peppermint Bark Chocolate Doughnuts, Savory Cheesy-Jalapeno Doughnuts, and more. For first time doughnut makers to...

Mazel Tov! : Music for a Jewish Wedding (0933676360)

(Tara Books). Music for a Jewish wedding and more! A best-selling wedding fake book. 49 selections of the most popular melodies for weddings and Bar and Bat Mitzvahs by the leading Jewish wedding band. Music for ceremony, processionals and recessionals, bride and groom entrance, Horas, and Klezmer medleys. The companion recording features instrumental versions of all 49 songs. Product details Format Book | 64 pages Dimensions 215.9 x 274.32 x 5.08mm | 226.8g ...

Sp-He Came to Set the Captives Free (0883683202)

Durante 17 aos, Elaine sirvi a su maestro, Satans, con una total dedicacin. Un da se encontr con la Dra. Rebecca Brown, quien serva a su maestro, Jesucristo, con igual dedicacin. Elaine, una de las brujas ms prominentes en los Estados Unidos y muchos otros satanistas que le obedecan, lucharon contra la Dra. Brown, quien los enfrent completamente sola. En la titnica contienda de vida y muerte que sigui, la Dra. Brown estuvo a punto de morir. Elaine, al encontrar un poder y un amor mucho ms grande que todo lo que Satans haba podido darle, lo dej y dedic completamente se vida a Jesucristo. En este relato honesto y profundo de las actividades de Satans en el mundo de hoy, a la vez que ofrece herramientas escriturales sanas para reconocer y combatir a los satanistas que se infiltran y destruyen las congregaciones cristianas, reconocer y combatir a Satans en las diferentes formas en que nos ataca, y reconocer a los servidores de Satans y traerlos a Jesucristo.For seventeen years, Elaine serv...

Piano for the Young Beginner: Primer B (Bastien Piano Basics) (9780849793189)

Never before, nor since, has there been a piano method as easy to follow, as pedagogically sound, as exciting to look at, as musical to play - and as well-designed for motivation, achievement, and success as BASTIEN PIANO BASICS.The Bastien Piano Basics method is comprised of five completely correlated course books PIANO, THEORY, PERFORMANCE, TECHNIC, and A LINE A DAY SIGHT READING. Bastien Piano Basics uses a gradual multi-key approach, with reading beginning in the C five-finger position. Five levels of carefully graded lesson material provide constant opportunities for reinforcing basic concepts. It's the smoothest, most heart-warming, most entertaining, most musical way to teach eager youngsters the joys of playing the piano. And comprehensive, page-by-page correlation makes Bastien Piano Basics remarkably easy to teach! Product details Format ...

The Breath of a Wok : Breath of a Wok (0743238273)

Award-winning author Grace Young celebrates and demystifies the art of wok cooking for the Western home cook. When Grace Young was a child, her father instilled in her a lasting appreciation of wok hay, the highly prized but elusive taste that food achieves when properly stir-fried in a wok. As an adult, Young aspired to create that taste in her own kitchen. Grace Young's quest to master wok cooking led her throughout the United States, Hong Kong, and mainland China. Along with award-winning photographer Alan Richardson, Young sought the advice of home cooks, professional chefs, and esteemed culinary teachers like Cecilia Chiang, Florence Lin, and Ken Hom. Their instructions, stories, and recipes, gathered in this richly designed and illustrated volume, offer not only expert lessons in the art of wok cooking, but also capture a beautiful and timeless way of life. With its emphasis on cooking with all the senses, The Breath of a Wok brings the techniques and flavors of old-world wok...

Der Große Weg hat kein Tor : Nahrung - Anbau - Leben (3895662062)

'Der Große Weg hat kein Tor' ist ein Grundlagenwerk alternativen Lebens und der alternativen Ernährungsbewegung. Es inspiriert Menschen weltweit, neue Wege zu gehen. Eine Erfolgsstory des Bio-Landbaus - und noch viel mehr: Für Masanobu Fukuoka war der vernünftige Umgang mit dem Boden ein Schritt zur Versöhnung des Menschen mit sich selbst und seiner Umgebung. 'Der Große Weg hat kein Tor' wurde in mehr als 25 Sprachen übersetzt. 1983 erschien die deutsche Fassung erstmals im pala-verlag. Das Buch vermittelt sowohl Einblicke in Fukuokas Weltsicht als auch in die Methoden seiner natürlichen Landwirtschaft. Unser Umgang mit Lebensmitteln, Ernährung und die Grenzen menschlichen Wissens sind weitere Themen. Wenn wir die Art und Weise ändern, in der wir unsere Nahrung anbauen, ändern wir unsere Nahrung, ändern wir unsere Werte. Und so handelt dieses Buch davon, auf Zusammenhänge, Ursachen und Wirkungen zu achten und nach eigenem Wissen Verantwortung zu übernehmen: ein Buc...

Body. Im falschen Körper (3794170172)

»Ich habe plötzlich das Gefühl, etwas sagen zu müssen. Über mich. Darüber, was mit mir los ist. Dass ich ein Junge bin, der in einem Mädchenkörper steckt. Dass ich meinen eigenen Körper hasse, aber ein Mädchen liebe. Und nicht Jungs. Nicht Julian.« Ulli ist 15 Jahre alt, liebt kurze Struwwelfrisuren und lässige Klamotten. Ihre Kumpel David und Julian bringen ihr waghalsige Tricks auf dem Skateboard bei. Sie verteidigen Ulli auch gegen Macho-Rüpel und zickige Mädchen, die sie als »Mannweib« beschimpfen. Als Ulli sich in Sandy verliebt, wird ihr endgültig klar: Sie ist nicht lesbisch, sie fühlt wie ein Junge. Deshalb will sie als Junge akzeptiert werden, von ihren Mitschülern, ihrer Familie, von Sandy. Und sie muss es Julian sagen, der sie liebt. Aber wenn sie sich zu ihrer wahren Natur bekennt, wer wird dann auf ihrer Seite sein? Einfühlsam und packend schildert Christine Fehér, wie es ist, als Junge in einem Mädchenkörper zu leben und zu lieben. Pr...

Eat Better Forever : 7 Ways to Transform Your Diet (9781526602800)

In Eat Better Forever, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall gives you all the tools to improve your eating habits, and therefore your life - permanently. And to help it all happen, he's added his 100 healthiest recipes yet. In this ground-breaking book, instead of promising a gimmicky single-fix solution to the challenge of healthy eating, Hugh extracts the knowledge, advice and healthy habits, from cutting edge research into the obesity crisis, to produce 7 simple strategies that will transform your diet and your health. Starting with the blissfully simple message that we all need to Go Whole, he leads us away from the industrial junk and processed foods that are doing so many of us so much harm and returns us to the real foods that nurture us and keep us well. Everything that follows is clear, believable and achievable. From sorting the good carbs from the bad, learning not to fear fat, and looking after our gut, to renegotiating the foods we call 'drinks' and being mindful of w...